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Building Success: Data Center Infrastructure's Resilient and Scalable Fiber Network Journey

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Buildings IOT

STACK Infrastructure integrates mechanical equipment and energy power monitoring to create a truly redundant and scalable fiber network.


As with all data center projects, this was a mission-critical facility. It was imperative that all systems and networks were designed with strict redundancy and up-time requirements in mind. The project needed to be completed under incredibly strict time constraints, particularly during the deployment phase. It required all hands on deck at the highest levels to ensure a successful roll-out from day one. The layout of the data center presented unique design and integration challenges. The chillers were located at level one, pumps on level two, and tooling towers on the rooftop. 

What Buildings IOT did

In this data hall and central plant - Phase III after award-winning work at the same location - Buildings IOT designed and integrated mechanical equipment and energy power monitoring systems plus the tenant's air real chilled water doors. Work also included depending on the network put in place in Phases I and II.


With 36 DIN-rail and rack-mounted switches distributed in controls cabinets and IT closes, this fiber network is redundant and scalable. 

Buildings IOT integrated multiple systems with a combination of controllers, equipment, and devices. As this was Buildings IOT's third phase project at this location, integration included a roll-up to the existing user interface where building engineers manage, monitor, and maintain systems while the tenant can also evaluate equipment status.

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