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7 Benefits of a Smart Building Monitoring System

Image of Clint Bradford
Clint Bradford

An automatic sprinkler system is an excellent example of a basic building monitoring system in action. When an event (smoke) happens in a building, it triggers an action (a cascade of water). These have been around since the 1870s and have saved a lot of lives. But they aren’t smart; they provide no complex insight, they don’t learn over time, and they don’t refine their functionality in response to new data.

Today’s smart building monitoring systems are more than an evolution from what came before. They represent a completely different way of understanding how a building operates. They are predictive, not just reactive. They use machine learning, not just machine technology. And they let you see the entirety of how a building operates. 

Smart building monitoring and management systems are not the future, they are present. Their benefits are realized in new buildings and those with legacy equipment alike. Here’s why they are becoming a must-have for all buildings. 

The 7 Benefits of a Smart Building Monitoring System

Successful building managers know more and do more with smart building monitoring systems. From negotiating tenant relationships to boosting efficiency, these technologies are transforming how building management happens. 

1. Smarter Maintenance

Giving building managers the ability to take a preventive maintenance approach is one of the most important benefits of a smart buildings monitoring system. In the past, maintenance was schedule-based. Periodically, you’d check in on building equipment to see if there were any problems. If an issue wasn’t caught during these checks, it may have gone unnoticed until it caused catastrophic equipment failure, tenant complaints, or unusually high utility bills. 

A smart building monitoring system changes that. By continuously monitoring all connected systems, the best systems immediately detect when something is going wrong and allow you to take corrective action as early as possible. This not only means that issues are resolved before they grow into significant problems, it means that maintenance teams are deployed only when necessary. This saves time, money, and manpower.

2. Improve Uptime

Eliminate blackouts. Keep the internet secure. Keep all systems running at full capacity. That’s what good preventative maintenance does. You know who notices that? No one—and that’s a good thing. 

The occupants of your building only notice when things go wrong. When all systems are running smoothly, complaints drop to a minimum and occupants are happy. Improved uptime minimizes contract disputes, security threats, and work disruption. That makes a difference when it comes time to renew a lease. 

3. Easy Integration

Unifying building systems allows building managers to understand better and control properties more efficiently. Without a smart building monitoring system, however, integration is often a patchwork job or impossible. A smart system designed with open protocols makes it easy to create a flexible and cohesive ecosystem that can accommodate new technologies. 

4. More Tenant Amenities

From reserving conference rooms to easily checking if the bathrooms have been sanitized to personalizing temperature settings, a smart system makes tenants’ lives easier. A smart building monitoring system allows you to offer more and better tenant amenities. 

5. Improve Tenant/Owner Relationships

Creating strong relationships between tenants, building owners, and building managers requires honesty and transparency. A smart building monitoring system gives tenants objective insights into how things run and how they can be run better. Whether they want reassurance about the air quality in their office, an in-depth look at their energy usage, or a change in HVAC settings, smart technologies make it easy to share information and customize conditions. 

6. Powerful Reporting Capabilities

Advanced analysis of building data offers extraordinary visibility into building equipment, functions, and costs. It shows you where waste is occurring and offers suggestions for how to prevent it. It correlates complex variables to help you identify vulnerabilities and find ways to correct them. It tells you why things cost what they cost. A smart building monitoring system with custom reporting capabilities gives all stakeholders the insights they need.

7. More Control

More systems mean more data. That data can either get out of hand or give you more control. A smart building monitoring system takes all your data streams and turns them into one powerful current for you to direct. 

Creating the Best Smart Building Monitoring Systems

The best monitoring systems begin with a powerful integration engine, like IOT Jetstream. Jetstream normalizes data and allows it to flow both in and out of building systems. This ensures easy integration with third-party apps and virtually limitless customization options. When combined with smart sensors and onPoint Analytics, Jetstream offers extraordinary new possibilities for building management. 

We’ve come a long way since automated sprinklers. With a smart building monitoring system, you can realize the full potential of your property.  

Buildings IOT offers state-of-the-art solutions for smart building monitoring systems. Contact our team of experts to learn more about what we can do for you.



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