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Smart Facility Management and Your BMS: Getting The Most Out of Your System

Image of Jason Pohl
Jason Pohl

Savvy real estate operations managers know that a building management system (BMS) is an important consideration in commercial property acquisition. A cutting-edge BMS supported by an intelligent building management platform (IBMP) is an asset in its own right and profoundly affects the value of a building. In addition to improving energy efficiency, these systems make buildings more attractive and more profitable. 

According to a report by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), smart buildings yield better ROI than other structures, resulting in the following increases:

  • Lease prices: 8-35% 
  • Occupancy rates: 9-18% 
  • Sales prices: up to 17%

These numbers are a powerful argument to embrace smart facility management to help you achieve higher revenues and improve savings across portfolios.

Smart Facility Management: Leveraging Data to Create Savings

To realize the potential of smart facility management, you should have a basic understanding of the technology involved. Chief among these is the Internet of Things (IoT) technology that has become key to the operations of any smart facility. IoT sensors can collect data on equipment, conditions, and even occupant behavior. The IBMP then analyses this data using machine learning (ML) algorithms.

An IBMP will:

  • Detect and diagnose faults as soon as they occur, allowing for targeted repairs, predictive maintenance, and minimal downtime. Advanced fault detection and diagnosis also reduces the risk of catastrophic equipment failure and extends equipment life. 
  • Leverage open protocol controls so that connected systems, equipment, and sensors can easily communicate with each other. 
  • Organize and present data in a user-friendly way. Stakeholders can access the information they need when they need it, either via a centralized user interface or custom reports. 
  • Program command and control functions of all systems and equipment connected to the BMS to allow automated responses customized to a user’s preferences. 

But just installing IoT devices and other intelligent technology is not enough to make a building smart. Smart facility management requires integration of these building systems to ensure seamless communication, streamline operations, and realize cost savings. 

Energy Efficiency

Buildings are responsible for 40 percent of energy consumption globally. With this extraordinary footprint, energy efficiency should be a chief goal for any commercial building. 

An integrated and intelligent BMS with an IBMP has powerful capabilities for monitoring and controlling energy usage. An IBMP not only measures energy use, it also identifies areas of waste, recommends efficiency measures, and predicts future energy use. These insights can help building owners create comprehensive, automated efficiency strategies that reduce operating costs and minimize carbon emissions. 

At a time when green buildings command a premium, investing in greater efficiency is an excellent way to strengthen a real estate portfolio.

Data-driven Maintenance

With smart facility management, maintenance is data-driven, predictive, and only conducted when necessary. This predictive approach relies on statistical modeling to optimize maintenance scheduling and catch problems in the earliest stages or prevent them altogether. The result is:

  • Faster detection and diagnosis
  • Lower risk of major malfunctions
  • Lower long-term maintenance costs 

It also allows for smarter allocation of maintenance resources to optimize productivity and reduce waste.

Extending Equipment Life

Data-based maintenance strategies extend the life of building systems and equipment. This greatly reduces the need for costly, premature replacement or repairs to building infrastructure. 

The Best IBMPs Maximize ROI

The best smart facility management strategies rely on the best IBMPs. These platforms are the heart of a smart building system and the engine of digital transformation. A mobile-first IBMP, like onPoint, extracts maximum value from building data and allows you to get the most out of a building’s infrastructure from anywhere at any time. From higher lease prices to reduced energy costs, the right platform opens up tremendous opportunities to see impressive returns.

Buildings IOT offers state-of-the-art services and products that puts smart facility management within reach. Contact our team of experts to learn more about what we can do for you.



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