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Reasons Continuous Building Commissioning Is Important for Your Building

Image of Jason Pohl
Jason Pohl

The increasing complexity of building systems makes commissioning essential to ensure proper installation and performance. But it isn’t just a one-time event. Continuous building commissioning offers significant advantages, including meaningful cost savings and operational improvements.

Benefits of Continuous Building Commissioning 

Expanding digitization and application of smart technology within commercial real estate has made data an invaluable tool. Monitoring diverse data sources is key to continuous building commissioning, allowing owners to implement meaningful changes that produce real results. 

IoT sensors and devices gather and store data on variables like building conditions, performance, energy use, and even occupant behavior. An intelligent building management platform (IBMP) uses this data to validate performance, identify inefficiencies, troubleshoot problems, and clarify system anomalies. The reach of such a system typically extends far beyond the traditional scope of commissioning. Ultimately, smart technology provides powerful ways to inexpensively monitor building conditions and mitigate risks by detecting issues before they become actual problems that tenants complain about. 


Continuous building commissioning can achieve a more rapid return on investment (ROI) than traditional commissioning because it continuously focuses attention on areas where action translates to cost savings. Continuous building commissioning identifies:

  • Corrective actions that require little expense, like installing framed filters to reduce static pressure or isolation dampers to control airflow
  • Minor maintenance issues that cost little to repair but whose costs add up over time, such as leaking ducts or broken valves
  • Poorly calibrated or otherwise malfunctioning equipment 
  • Potential changes for making operations run more cost-efficiently, such as scheduling when equipment runs and tenant behavioral changes
  • Ways to optimize building equipment and systems, like air or static pressure resets 

The use of continuous building commissioning makes building systems more efficient, thus reducing operational expenses. The fact that it also improves occupant comfort is another bonus, which leads to more stable occupancy rates and higher rents. 

Additionally, monitoring-based commissioning causes less disruption than more traditional commissioning efforts. 

Prolonging Equipment and System Life

When a building system doesn’t perform as designed, it becomes less efficient and its useful life can be cut short. Continuous building commissioning allows stakeholders to detect and correct anomalies sooner. In doing so, they prevent wear and tear and help you get the most out of your equipment. 

Maintenance & Overlooked Issues

Monitoring-based commissioning allows for the implementation of preventive and predictive maintenance. This reduces the chance of unplanned breakdowns, downtime, energy waste, and tenant complaints. Continuous building commissioning also offers a means by which to retro-commission areas that were not part of the original commissioning plan and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Supporting Changing Occupant Needs

Not all occupants have the same needs, and needs change. When occupants’ needs change, the building must adapt to meet them. Continuous building commissioning can be used to address such changes and increase flexibility. Building owners who rely on this commissioning approach are well-prepared to navigate the uncertain post-Covid landscape and stay responsive to tenants as their requirements evolve

Looking at the Data: Ongoing Commissioning With onPoint

Building owners and facility managers who want to benefit from continuous building commissioning need to start with the right tools.

onPoint is an intelligent building management platform that continuously analyzes building data to identify and prioritize issues. It allows building owners to triage and resolve problems more quickly, creating a built environment that benefits its occupants.

How onPoint facilitates continuous building commissioning: 

  • Provides fast and easy access to reliable building data, allowing for accelerated commissioning schedules
  • Can utilize existing rulesets for maintenance while also enabling customizable features for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD)
  • Identifies deficiencies automatically for faster optimization, enabling better FDD and data integrity
  • Makes it easy to identify savings opportunities via custom reports
  • Pinpoints opportunities for optimization 

onPoint doesn’t just tell you something is wrong. It gives you a real roadmap for moving forward. With onPoint, you can take your building to the next level, continuously.

Buildings IOT offers the state-of-the-art services and products you need for continuous building commissioning. Contact our team of experts to learn more about what we can do for you.



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