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How Facilities Managers Can Utilize Workflow Tools to Highlight Their Value to Upper Management

Image of Natalie Patton
Natalie Patton

You're a facilities manager looking to optimize your operations and prove your worth to upper management. This can sometimes feel like two disconnected efforts. How can you effectively pull this off?

Workflow tools! Incorporating effective workflow tools into your facilities management processes make it possible to complete your work and document your productivity in a way that keeps management interest and shows your department as a value driver rather than just a cost center.

Today we're taking a look at how workflow tools can streamline your operation and make you look good at the same time.

Evolution of Facilities Management

Facilities management has come a long way. It’s still mostly about fixing things that are broken, keeping the facility clean and comfortable, and managing vendors who complete various tasks around the building. But the facilities themselves are increasingly complex. The adaptive buildings in your portfolio can save energy automatically, improve safety, and make everyone's work life better. This change didn't happen overnight. It was made possible by technology.

With new tools, facilities managers can do their jobs better and faster. They can predict problems before they happen. This means less time on emergencies (and the massive service bills that come from them) and more time on work that prevents problems before they become occupant complaints or costly repairs.

The next evolution for facilities managers is in the utilization of workflow tools that make it possible to sustain this predictive workload and prove the value to management at the same time.

On the execution side, workflow tools help managers plan, act, and solve problems efficiently. On the reporting side, workflow tools enable effective reporting so all of that work can easily be shown as KPIs to executives who are tracking the bottom line.

It's not just about maintenance anymore. It's about making the workplace better for everyone, including facilities managers.

Workflow Tools in Facilities Management

In the world of facilities management, staying ahead means using the right tools. Workflow tools are like the Swiss Army knife for facilities managers.

They are software and systems designed to make everyday tasks easier and more efficient. These tools help you keep track of what needs fixing, when, why and even how.

Workflow tools is a broad category and often a function of various software systems out there. Some are made for keeping an eye on the health of your building's systems, like HVAC and lighting. Others help in managing cleaning schedules or making sure safety checks are done on time. This variety means you can find something that fits your exact use cases, but you’re often left needing to integrate those different systems into a single data layer to support unified reporting.

A cornerstone of a modern workflow tool is its ability to provide predictive maintenance notifications. Instead of waiting for something to break, these tools use data to tell you when something needs your attention and why, based on real operational data from each individual piece of equipment.

This way, you can fix small issues within your allocated maintenance budget before they become big problems that require costly service calls and explanation of the unplanned expense to your boss.

It's like knowing it will rain before the clouds even appear. This not only saves time but also money, as it's cheaper to prevent a problem than to fix it after it happens.

By making operations smooth and proactive, workflow tools give facilities managers the power to keep buildings running without a hitch. This isn't just good for the building; it's great for showing upper management the value of what you do.

Highlighting Value to Upper Management

Facilities managers have a critical role, but sometimes it's hard to show just how much value they bring. This is where workflow tools can really shine.

They provide proof of the benefits of effective facilities management. Let's explore how these tools can help managers show their worth.

Using workflow tools, facilities managers can present clear data and insights to upper management. This data tells a story. It shows how you, the FM, has used predictive and preventive maintenance to save money and avoid complaints.

These tools also make it easier to plan budgets and reduce unexpected costs. With predictable operating costs, facilities managers can provide accurate budgets and forecasts and avoid uncomfortable conversations with upper management about ballooning budgets.

But it's not just about the numbers. Workflow tools can highlight success stories and improvements over time.

Facilities managers can use this data to show trends, like reduced energy costs or fewer equipment failures. These improvements directly contribute to the company's bottom line.

By using workflow tools to gather and present this information, facilities managers can clearly demonstrate their value. They're not just keeping the lights on; they're driving efficiency, saving money, and contributing to the company's success.

This makes it much easier for upper management to see the importance of investing in facilities management.

Vital Workflow Tools

Workflow tools are pivotal in modernizing facilities management, offering unparalleled efficiency and value.

Buildings IOT is the world's leading adaptive buildings company, turning data into actions that are tailored to the needs, constraints, and opportunities of properties and portfolios. Get in touch today so we can help you improve operational performance!


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