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Benefits of IOT-enabled Predictive Maintenance for Buildings

Written by Rebecca Butler | 3/4/22 2:00 PM

Building maintenance has traditionally relied on time-based inspections, with older equipment receiving more frequent intervention. But only 18% of equipment failures occur due to age. For the 82% of failures that cannot be attributed to age, time-based maintenance inspections offer little value and waste time.

Smart technology gives you a better option: IoT-enabled predictive maintenance. When IoT data drives your building maintenance program, maintenance becomes more effective and efficient—and your property becomes a more valuable asset.

How IoT-enabled Predictive Maintenance Works

The benefits of IoT-enabled predictive maintenance are impressive: 

  • Better occupant comfort
  • Extended equipment life
  • Minimize catastrophic equipment failures
  • Reduction of unplanned equipment downtime
  • Utilize maintenance staff more efficiently
  • Improved operator safety
  • Ability to verify repairs

With intelligent analysis of IoT data, maintenance teams can take proactive steps to prevent equipment failure before it happens. This not only minimizes the risk of malfunction, it also enables more efficient planning, improves resource allocation, and minimizes disruption for tenants. 

Predicting maintenance issues requires continuous monitoring of a building’s key systems and equipment. Centralized smart building platforms with machine learning capabilities collate data gathered by IoT sensors and BMS systems to analyze equipment performance, building conditions, and other variables over time. For example, a smart building platform can analyze vibration sensor data to detect anomalies in operational conditions and allow for proactive resolution of system issues.

Using real-time and historical data, predictive maintenance models can accurately forecast if and when system components require repair or replacement. As more data is gathered and the platform learns more about your building, predictions become more accurate. 

With these forecasts, maintenance no longer relies on arbitrary inspections, tenant complaints, or major breakdowns. Instead, maintenance is guided by objective data, and it happens long before anomalies cause noticeable problems.

Benefits of IoT-enabled Predictive Maintenance

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of IoT-enabled predictive maintenance: 


Lower Maintenance Costs

Major repairs, unexpected problems, and unplanned downtime can be expensive. Maintenance teams who are able to predict maintenance issues avoid paying the high prices associated with catastrophic equipment failures. IoT-enabled predictive maintenance also minimizes the need for routine manual inspections, and the savings can add up quickly.

Better Resource Utilization

IoT-enabled predictive maintenance allows for more efficient use of resources. Whether it’s streamlining the troubleshooting process, prioritizing work orders, or reducing truck rolls, the insights gleaned from IoT data empower you to use your resources in the best possible way.

Improved Energy Efficiency 

Malfunctioning or underperforming equipment can cause significant energy waste, particularly in energy-intensive systems like HVAC and lighting. In fact, increased energy consumption is often one of the first signs something is amiss. A smart building platform that identifies unexpected energy usage and potential equipment problems as early as possible prevents waste and optimizes efficiency

Longer Equipment Life

Well-maintained equipment performs better and lasts longer. Data-driven predictive maintenance reduces wear and tear, minimizes malfunctions, and allows maintenance teams to act quickly when anomalies occur. This extends the life of valuable building infrastructure. 

Safer Environments 

IoT devices and smart building management software are powerful tools for creating safe indoor environments. IoT-enabled predictive maintenance ensures building systems are operating as they should to protect occupant health.

More Satisfied Tenants

When a building functions properly, tenants don’t think about maintenance. A predictive approach prevents maintenance issues from affecting tenants by reducing the risk of malfunction, downtime, and disruption. The result is happier tenants and a more attractive building.

Improved Regulatory Compliance 

Data-driven predictive maintenance makes it easier to comply with efficiency, safety, and environmental regulations. A smart building platform with custom reporting capabilities also allows you to document compliance.

Transforming Your Maintenance Program

The potential of smart technology is tremendous, but harnessing that potential requires specialized skills and purpose-built products. Savvy building owners and property managers partner with smart building experts to create custom solutions that make sense for their properties. From system integration to software development to digital services, a smart building expert gives you the tools you need to transform your maintenance program and fully realize the possibilities of your building.

Buildings IOT offers the solutions and services you need to implement IoT-enabled predictive maintenance. Contact our team of experts to find out how we can help you.